Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Class Schedule Vis Lit Studio, Spring 2016

-Class Participation: 10%
-Blogging Assignments: 20%
-Critique: 15%
-Project proposal: 5%
-Final Portfolio: 50%

January 8
In class: Go over syllabus and SAAH handbook

Assigned: Bring proposal and camera to next class

January 15
In class: Go over class blog and contact sheet demo, basic camera functions, and FAD lab orientation with Alisson

Assigned: Shoot 100 images of anything, upload contact sheet and 5 best photos, comment on 3 other students’ work on blog, bring hard drive of raw photos to next week’s class, bring camera if possible as well 

January 22
In class: Camera walkabout and Basic Photoshop demo (BW conversion, raw processing, spotting, etc.), depth of field

Assigned: Shoot 100 images of anything, upload contact sheet and 5 best photos (edited), 2 of which display shallow and deep depth of field, comment on 3 other students’ work on blog

January 26
In class: Printing demo

Assigned: Shoot 100 images of anything, upload contact sheet and 5 best photos (edited) comment on 3 other students’ work on blog

January 29
In Class: Individual meetings about proposals, camera difficulties, and editing

Assigned: Make power point of 10 best images so far (edited) to be critiqued for next class, post top 20 on blog and comment on 3 other students’ work

February 5
In class: CRITIQUE #1

Assigned: Shoot 100 images, post contact sheet and best 5 photos (edited), comment on 3 other students’ work on blog

February 12
In class: Advanced editing demo and individual meetings about technical issues and concept

Assigned: shoot 100 images pertaining to your concept, post contact sheet and best 5 photos (edited), comment on 3 other students’ work

February 19
In class: PRINT DAY I will be in the print lab during class hours for anyone that needs help printing

Assigned: Print 10 best images to be critiqued and post top twenty so far on blog

February 26
In class: CRITIQUE #2 in Fawbush 314

Assigned: Shoot 100 images, post contact sheet and best five photos (edited), pertaining to your concept, comment on 3 other students’ work

March 4
In class: Spring Break No Class

Assigned: Shoot 100 images, post contact sheet and best five photos (edited), pertaining to your concept, comment on 3 other students’ work

March 11
In class: Editing, printing, work day, individual meetings about technical issues and concept

Assigned: Print 10 best images to be critiqued and post top twenty so far on blog

March 18
In class: CRTIQUE #3 in Fawbush 314

Assigned: Start rough draft of artist statement (500 words roughly), and Shoot 100 images, post contact sheet and best five photos (edited), pertaining to your concept, comment on 3 other students’ work, bring best work to next week’s class to discuss final portfolio in form of hardcopy or Powerpoint

March 25
In class: Turn in rough draft of artist statement, discuss students work and final portfolios

Assigned: Shoot 100 images, post contact sheet and best five photos (edited), pertaining to your concept, comment on 3 other students’ work

April 1
In class: PRINT DAY I will be in the print lab during class hours for anyone that needs help printing

Assigned: Work on final portfolio, choose your best photographs thus far and print remaining best for a total of 30 conceptually cohesive and technically strong photographs

April 8
In class: Organize portfolio, last minute edits to artist statement, feedback on your chosen 30 images, individual meetings

Assigned: work on Final portfolio

April 15

In class: Final portfolio due

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