Thursday, March 17, 2016

Isabella Angulo Artist Statement Draft

I consider myself to be a multimedia artist. Working with many different mediums has allowed me to explore my thoughts and ideas on a level I never thought imaginable. Photography, one of my preferred mediums, accurately depicts the way I envision human interaction. Personally, my photographs are not solely images of a moment. I believe that in the same way I am able to capture these rare and unintentional moments, I am also able to translate feelings, emotions, and spontaneity to the viewer. Since I do not stick to a specific medium or theme, I know that my work can relate to people of all ages. Through my photographs, I rely on extemporaneity, making sure that I do not focus on a specific group of people or  a gender. I do not like to plan for the images I may capture at a specific moment. For me, it is all about being at the right place at the right time.

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